Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


POLL: Why Are They So Happy?

Alright, Nehemiah got 149 votes in his poll a couple months ago.  Let’s see how many this one can garner.

Last week, we sat the kids down to share something with them.  Sonja captured the picture when the words hit their ears:

So, here’s the poll question, “Why are they so happy?”  Unlike Nehemiah’s poll, there is a correct answer to this one, so choose wisely.  The answer will be revealed in an update to this post on Sunday night.  Here’s the poll: buy Prozac online

From Whence Their Joy?

UPDATE: The only hint of the answer was cradled in Athanasius’ left arm.

tadapox opiniones

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. We have a planned trip to Disneyland next year (PFC) and I am really hoping you will be in Orlando at the same time! Ha…somehow I have a feeling that’s not the right answer, but I know you guys love to pull our legs!

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