Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


All The Whiteys!

Really it’s a word.  I looked it up, since it was the only thing I could think of when I looked at this picture:

So, out of the hundreds of thousands of people in Eastern Chad, this picture captures all of the western children you will presently find here (from three families total).  It’s not often that we’re all in the same place, so we had to get a picture together.  From left to right, we have Micah, Athanasius, Hannah, Evangeline, Ben, Nehemiah, and Andrew.  Absent is the wandering Hadassah.

This is why so many Chadian children want to touch our kids’ skin and hair in the market.  Most of them have never seen a white child in their life.  They are like rare stones in this country.

tadapox uk

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Beth says:

    Most Ethiopian men do not have much body hair. For the first week or so, Nati and David would stroke the hair on Dustin’s arms. But the first time they saw him without a shirt they busted out laughing and timidly reached out to touch his chest cracking up the whole time. Makes me giggle again just thinking about it.

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