Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


What Would You Do…

…for a Klondike Bar?

Everyone remember those commercials?  I had a flashback to it today, when I stopped in a shop and the shopkeeper opened a small cooler with 10 chocolate candy bars in it.  He informed me that someone brought them from N’djamena.

You see…we don’t have chocolate here in Abeche.  Due to the lack of power and refrigeration, it would melt fairly quickly.  I don’t even think it’s produced anywhere in the country, so about the only way you find it is because sometimes they are imported into the capital city (I think from France) or occasionally a friend will send one from the States.
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So, I haven’t eaten a candy bar in a very long time.  So, when I saw them, my eyes lit up and I asked the man for three of them.  The cost…$5 per candy bar.  Then I ran to the vehicle to show the family.  They were all excited! purchase prednisone

But, then came the ironic part.  We got back to the house and opened the bars and after one bite, my stomach just felt sick…too much sugar and my body’s not accustomed to it anymore.

I guess I’ll put that on my “To Do” list for next year’s time in the States: Get body in shape to eat more than one bite of chocolate.  :)

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