Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Polio Vaccination

We lead the world in something…unfortunately, it’s not a good something. acquire Zoloft online

So far this year, of the 400+ reported cases of polio in the world, 114 of them have occurred in Chad.  Therefore, the UN buy prednisone online Prozac online , WHO, Gates Foundation, along with the Chadian authorities have started a polio vaccination campaign to try and eradicate the sickness from the country.

Sounds positive right?  Well, it is in many ways, but it’s a little bit of a pickle for us.

You see, even though our kids have been vaccinated with all of their required DTAP (polio) vaccinations, which usually allows us to be dismissed from these vaccination campaigns, we are being told that because the kids’ vaccine is an IPV (inactivated polio vaccination), whereas the population here is being vaccinated with the OPV (a live vaccination), and because our children reside here, they must be vaccinated like all Chadian children.

We hope that they will come to see what each medical person has told us, that the efficacy of our vaccinations from the States are sufficient, but so far they have been pretty insistent that we submit to taking the medicine.  It’s in His hands.

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