Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Dinner With The Lungers

There are not too many people besides our family members that can say they have known Sonja and I from the beginning of our relationship.  Two of those people are Bill and Laura Lunger.  We met Bill and Laura through a ministry at our church which we were both involved in and they have watched our relationship blossom from “getting to know you” to courting and eventually on to marriage.  We have greatly appreciated their fellowship, counsel, and partnership over the years.

Laura is one of those people who has a true gift for hospitality…you know, she is really happy to invite you into her home and love on you.  You walk away feeling like royalty after spending time with the Lungers and have a greater desire to treat others with the same kind of Christ-like love.

Tonight, we enjoyed dinner with our friends the Lungers, as we caught up on one another’s lives and work.  Here is a picture as we finished the evening:

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