Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



Athanasius has begun school (which is a lot of phonics and books right now) and just completed the “da-da-da” sound.  Sometimes he looks at signs and will find one of the four sounds that he has studied and repeat its phonetical sound (e.g. “ba-ba-ba”).
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On the way up to Roseau Thursday, as we neared St. Cloud, we pointed out a large billboard to the kids, which said something like “Welcome To St. Cloud”.  All of the sudden, Athanasius said, “We close to St. Cwoud.”
Sonja and I looked at one another with thoughts of “He’s a genius” dancing through our heads and I looked back at Athanasius to ask him, “How did you know we are close to St. Cloud, Scooter?”
I expected him to say he saw the “ca-ca-ca” sound on the billboard or something to that effect, but he slowly picked his head up, thought, and then replied, “I saw the cwouds in the sky.”
Hmm….very good logic Scooter.  Here is the genius studying fossils:

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