Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


A Good Wrest

I love that word wrest and I’ve been hearing it a lot lately.

One of the songs that was sung at the Getty concert last week was a new one they’ve written called “Simple Living“.  We first heard it at church the week before and have been singing it ever since at night together for family worship.  If you lived in our house, you would hear Evangeline constantly repeating the words from the third verse, which uses that word:

O teach me Lord to walk this road
The road of simple living
To be content with what I own acquire Zoloft online purchase prednisone
And generous in giving
And when I cling to what I have purchase Prozac
Please wrest it quickly from my grasp
I’d rather lose all the things of earth
To gain the things of heaven

What a blessed, though often difficult, wrest-ing that the LORD does when he pulls things from us in order that we might gain the things of heaven, namely more of Him.  Here is the song, “Simple Living” with the full Irish musical sound: sublingual buy online

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