Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Boogers, Spitting and Picking Scabs

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YUCK!  As a girl, growing up with one sister and my cousins all being girls, I didn’t experience the art of boogers, spitting and picking scabs.   So I am completely baffled when it comes to raising an eight year old boy.

Exhibit A:  Jacob’s dad is an expert at putting silly words together to make up songs for the kids.  When we arrived in Roseau he taught the kids “The Tale of a Booger” which the kids like to sing to complete strangers.

Exhibit B:  Nehemiah has taken up spitting.  I can’t tell if it is because he’s been watching the Twins play baseball and he’s mimicking the players or what.  Last month when he spit, I told him not to but the next day he did it again.  So I sent him to his room in order to buy time to figure out what to do.  Jacob’s mom was there and I asked her if this was just a boy thing or if it was worth training him not to do it.  She replied that her husband still does it so it might be a lost cause!  Later, when I asked Jacob, he said that it’s just something that you have to do and said when he played sports he spit all the time.  I don’t ever remember a time figure skating where I paused by the boards to hawk a loogie :-)

Exhibit C:  Finally, some close friends of our family have two girls, ages 10 and 8.  I guess one day the topic of conversation at their breakfast table was about who they might marry someday.  They were asking their mom who she thought might be a good husband for them.  She said, “Well it’s hard to tell now if any boys your age will love Jesus when you’re older but if I were to recommend a boy from a nice family I would say Nehemiah Broten.  The eight year old girl replied: “Yeah he’s a nice boy but he picks his scabs and licks his blood.”

Is there any hope?

I guess if he turns out anything like his papa he’ll be okay:)

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