Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Food Variety

When we are living in Chad, we say goodbye to the vast majority of food variety that we are blessed with here in America.  No chocolate, no chips, and very few of the fruits and vegetables that line our supermarkets here.  When we found out that there were times of the year where okra, potatoes, and onions are all you will find in the ground, we actually packed vitamin supplements to make sure we were getting the nutrients we needed.

None of this is to mention all of the yummy meats and seafood that are considered forbidden for most of the people we know in Chad.  So, while we’ve been back in the States, we have enjoyed many of these foods and will continue to while in learning French in Quebec, before we say goodbye to them again next year.

Speaking of food variety, here is our favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan talking about two of the more fatty choices:

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