Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Spiritual Gift of Packing

One thing that no one ever told me about our transient life was that you needed to be gifted in organization to survive. In all of the trainings we have been to there has never been a session on “How to Pack a Suitcase” which I now know would include subtopics like: staying within the airline’s weight requirements, identifying what you REALLY need to live on for five to seven days, how

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to fold clothes most efficiently…

Jacob and I have learned a lot about packing, organizing, and about our personalities, over the past six years. The first time we took a three week trip overseas with two small children I filled up a bedroom with possible things we might need. Then I sort of put them into suitcases and told Jacob I had finished packing. Let’s just say when he walked in the room he couldn’t believe his eyes. He said “Did you say you’re packed up? None of the suitcases are zipped shut!” I just could not bear to actually zip up the suitcase and finalize the items inside. What if I needed that shirt tomorrow? What if I decided we didn’t need three blankets for 2 month old Evangeline?

The first time we moved overseas we took 20 tubs plus a guitar, pack and play, and two suitcases. Keep in mind we only had two children at the time (ages 1 and 3). We had three tubes of toothpaste, 5 sticks of deodorant, you get the idea. Our order Prozac European friends who met us at the airport just graciously smiled and muttered something about “Americans!”.

Now after six years, we have learned some tricks to packing; we’ve learned how to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. Jacob and my friend, Christy, have helped me to narrow down a simple list of what we usually need for clothing and school. I usually “collect” the items we will use, do my best to pack them up and yes, by the grace of God I am able to use the zipper now. Meanwhile, Jacob is busy finalizing our travel plans, getting the van tuned up, making sure we have something to put on top of our van to put stuff in… And it never fails that the night before we leave I come to a point where I just can’t zip the final zipper or shut the last tub or two. There is a pile of things that I can’t decide what to do with and I can’t go on. That’s when I call my Superpacker to take over. And most of the time, I go to bed and wake buy Deltasone online up to the van packed up and ready to leave for the airport or wherever we are traveling.

It is a miracle to me that the normal rhythm of our lives now is to settle in a house, fill it with books, sheets, pillows, food, toys, etc and then… pack it all up just to move on to the next house acquire Zoloft online we get to move into. And in those moments when it is overwhelming and feels like it can never be done, it helps to remember that these little acts are a part of something bigger. The fact that we are doing it once again (with joy) is a testimony to God’s grace and an answer to your prayers!

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Michelle R says:

    Sonja, I immensely enjoyed this from a woman’s perspective. Bless you. I join you in saying I do not enjoy packing up a household but do glory in joy for what is to come with God’s work! Is that a waterski in the pile? <:0)>

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