Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


How I Learn French

I’ve been learning French slowly but surely.  There are so many ways that we pick up different aspects of the language.  One thing about living in a French speaking region is that the signs are all in French so words like “Arrêt” or “Stop” are right under our noses as we drive around.

Prozac online When we get in the car, we can turn the radio on and listen to French radio stations with conversation and music in French.  Another way we’ve taken in the language has been in our classes.  The first week of my class the teacher started with pronunciation of sounds.  Necessary, yes, but also very boring to me!  I was ready to jump ship.  Jacob and I prayed and asked God to give me some people that I could speak French with and that very Sunday in church there were two women that had offered to meet with me.  

One of them is a 50 year old woman who I meet with on Tuesday nights to walk around Lac du Nations.  I enjoy the walk and she comes ready with little language learning activities every week :-)  Last week she wrote me an email in French confirming our meeting and asking me to review the conjugations for “to be” and “to have”.  When I got there, she said (all in French) , “Okay, there are lots of people on the path.  Each time you see someone, I want you to describe what they are wearing or doing by using the verb “to be” or “to have.”  It was a fun exercise.  There were three women with a dog, a man running quickly, two men with hooded sweatshirts and others. 
The other woman, Valérie, is only 26, which makes me the old lady!  She had me over to her apartment for tea.  As we talked I learned that her husband plays the violin and taught her to play.  In the Lord’s goodness, Valérie offered to teach Evangeline violin.   Last week we had tea together and then she started to teach Evangeline all the notes in French.  I never knew that they use: do re me fa so la ti do rather than letter names (C D E F G A B C), as we do, to name the notes.

Another really young woman, Jessica, who is a Bible Student here at the school, comes over twice a week to talk in French with me.  Sometimes we read from the Bible in French, other times we talk about prayer requests and pray together.  

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All of these relationships help me to enjoy learning the language and pick up on phrases and pronunciations.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Unknown says:

    What wonderful provisions from the Lord! Thank you, Lord for giving these women willing hearts and how you will continue to guide these gatherings.

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