Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Athanasius Reads A Story

How Sonja does this every single day with Athanasius is part of what makes her AMAZING!  The Scooter is on lesson 80 of “Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons order Prozac .”  It started with five to ten minutes a day of learning some sounds and short words.  Now he’s reading two part stories and he spends at least 45 minutes each day sitting next to Sonja on the couch.

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Now, don’t get the impression that Athanasius is a genius or even that he has a superior attention span.  He doesn’t.  In fact, after reading two sentences he’ll look out the window and say “How do you turn on a light Mama?” or after reading the word “but” … well you can imagine where he takes that one.  Probably the funniest statement of all that Sonja’s reported to me a few times comes after he’s read a paragraph and then pauses to say “Wait,  I’m sweating.”

One thing that Sonja has done with each of the kids and is doing with Athanasius right now is teaching them to trust in God for the strength to complete a task.  When they say they’re tired, she responds by praying with them.  When they finish, she reminds them how God faithfully helped them to complete their work.  Athanasius will now pause on his own and pray when he is tired.  Sonja’s lessons for our kids are so much deeper than reading.

Every once in a while, it’s “check-in” time with Papa, so I pulled out our little video camera as Athanasius read to me a couple weeks ago.  There’s still a long road ahead, but behold the exercise of trying to develop our little 4-year-old’s “attention span” muscles: super active 40 mg

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Unknown says:

    This is wonderful to hear and encourages me. Thank you, Lord, for giving us ways to deepen our relationships with you and guide our children to do the same! – Veronica

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