Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Rubbing Off

My family might be the only ones who can appreciate this post…and by family, I should clarify that I mean my dad and brothers because my poor mother and sister have been shaking their heads for years at us. You see, with all the boys in the house growing up, there were numerous contests (from handstands to races), wrestling matches, and more than enough jokes about “passing gas” to cause you to roll your eyes.

And I’ve carried all of that into my marriage. In fact (your image of me is really gonna be lowered here), on any given day you will probably see me chasing my kids around the house “kicking their buns” or asking them “have you been tooting today”. They all laugh and think it’s really funny…such is my humor.

Well it seems that the humor is rubbing off (and Sonja’s shaking her head).

Nehemiah and Evangeline have been washing most of the dishes after lunch and supper each day since Perpetua was born. In order to help them as they began the process, Sonja made a list of each step for washing dishes. There were seven steps in all, but last week Sonja came to show me the list, which now has eight steps. Someone added a step to the list.

Let’s see, one of these steps is not like the others:

1. Put away dry dishes.
2. Turn on hot water and plug sink.
3. Add dish soap to hot water.4. Put utensils and glasses in soapy water.
4. Put utensils and glasses in soapy water.
5. Rinse and place in drying rack.
6. Put plates and bowls in soapy water.
7. Rinse and place in drying rack.
8. Toot in yur pants.

So, who would have added step #8 to that list. Well, I’m not gonna name names, but let’s just say she’s a daughter after my own heart.


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