Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Being A Grandfather

Buy Zoloft online Prozac online I’ve told my kids many times that I love being their Papa.  I’ve also joked with them that I hope they have lots of kids because I would love to be a grandfather someday.  In the same way that I look to other fathers as role models and learn from them, I figure it’s never too early to learn from grandfathers as well.

In the “heart-warming” category, I bring to you a video put together by a grandfather I’d like to imitate.  The video centers around a poem written for our friends’ daughter, Elliana, by her grandpa.  If I have grandkids someday, I hope I sow into their lives the same way that I sense Elliana’s grandpa (and the rest of their family) does.  Do enjoy: super active opinioni

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