Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Athanasius Visits Lobsters

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In an effort to do something special with each of the kids during the week, I started taking Athanasius to the grocery store with me.  He loves the one on one time and we discovered something special next to the meat section.  Lobsters!

Each time we go there, we count the lobsters and take a brief moment to observe their activities.  One of his initial observations was that there were thick rubber bands around the lobsters’ clampers. Prozac online
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More recently he has taken to naming each of them.  Last week he gave them each the name of a member of our family.  Today Athanasius brought his friend Korban for his final visit to say goodbye to the lobsters as depart for Minnesota tomorrow.  On this final day, the three lobsters were named Athanasius, Korban, and Merci (with a true French r sound :).

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