Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Classes Finished

This past week, Sonja and I completed all our final exams at Parole de Vie Bethel.  I also took a language level placement test, which provided the encouraging feedback that my level of French (2+) is  actually higher than the goal I set for myself this year, which only proves the wisdom of Alexander Pope when he wrote:

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In all seriousness, our school (PdVB) has been a real blessing to us in so many ways.  They not only provided a classroom and many opportunities for me to study French, but they also setup a tutoring group for Sonja and other mothers, a group which used the same curriculum, had an actual teacher from the school, and took place during flexible hours that suited Sonja and the other mothers better.
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Here are the group of students that I spent many classroom hours with over the past eight months, along with our instructor, Michel (far left):

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