Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Toyota Land Cruiser Prayer

Here at Parole de Vie, some friends of ours have set up a small room on campus as a prayer room for any and all to come and pray as they see fit.  A surprising encouragement to us has been seeing our oldest children, Nehemiah and Evangeline, voluntarily go down in the mornings to pray together.

Earlier this week, I joined them and with my eyes closed, wore a smile of thankfulness almost the entire prayer time as I listened to them pray for our family, friends, and the many requests we’ve talked about together during the past few weeks.

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One thing they prayed for our family is that God would provide the right place for us to live in Chad and a good vehicle for us to purchase.  Once we arrive in Chad, we will need to purchase a Toyota Land Cruiser or a similar vehicle.  These rugged vehicles are made to handle the rough and varied terrains found in Chad.  I have sat in them climbing over rocky terrain, navigating across patches of deep sand in the desert, and fording across flooded wadis with water coming in the doors.
Knowing my lack of “vehicle repair skills”, we are praying for a used vehicle which has been kept in good condition.  Here are some pictures of the Toyota Land Cruiser to help you pray with our family:

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