Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Athanasius Shoots A Gun

Last week, we spent a night out at the hunting land. While we were there, Grandpa let the kids and their cousins take target practice with a BB gun. Here’s Athanasius lining it up:

As you can probably see, what target practice really

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consists of for the younger kids is Grandpa holding the gun and essentially aiming it, while the kids pull the trigger:

Then, when they “get their aim” just right and hit Papa’s Mountain Dew can, there’s a brief moment of celebration and then running to set the can up on the stump again:

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Interestingly enough, Athanasius’ cousin Josephine probably had the best aim of everyone. I think it was because she took really careful aim:

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