Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Ten Things I Do Before Leaving

1.  Take our malaria prophylaxis.  This involves chopping pills into fourths, convincing the kids that this is actually a fun undertaking and praying.  Praying because I am tempted to be anxious and need to remind myself as we take the pills that our health is in the hands of the Lord.  And then I preach to myself what I quickly forget.  We take the pills trusting He might use them as a means of protecting us from sickness or death, knowing firsthand that we still might get malaria.  He controls every mosquito.  He showed His care for us when Jacob had malaria in 2010 and if the Lord allows one of us to have it again, He remains the same.

2.  Take multiple trips to TARGET.  During the major trip I took to TARGET this past week, I rolled into my lane with a cart that was full to overflowing with things like sheets, tolietries, kitchen items, first aid type medicines.  The cashier said to me, “So, are you just getting ready for the summer?”  It made me laugh.

3.  Sit on the couch and try to savor the moments I have with family and friends. buy Prozac online  They are bittersweet.

4.  Make sure our kids are doing ok.  And they are for the most part.  Athanasius is probably the most emotional and clingy of the bunch.  They are being loved and cared for by my mom and dad and sister.  Taken to Gopher Baseball games, plays, ice cream and to the park.

5.  Tell the Lord I can’t do it and sometimes I don’t want to.  I come to this point multiple times a day.  I can’t pack up another suitcase, say goodbye another time, be the family’s full time nurse.  That’s when I’m at the best place when I recognize that I can’t do anything but that He is worthy and that with Him all things are possible.

6.  Retreat to REI to spend my dividend (which was $24).  I intended to get some crocs for Hadassah there and ended up spending 2 hours in the women’s section dumping cute items in my cart.  There is always this feeling I have that I won’t be able to buy anything for three years and so I better find a couple things I really like.  With Jacob it’s Culver’s Concrete Mixers and Taco John’s.  With me it is clothes.  I walked away not doing too much damage but I did go over my dividend :)

7.  Pack backpacks.  I ALWAYS put more in the kids’ backpacks than I should.  I ALWAYS commit to not packing them with so much.  This time I’ve put snacks, their Kindle, coloring books with colored pencils and a little magnetic game of checkers for Nehemiah and Evangeline to play.  The trouble is that as the time to leave approaches there are random items that I or one of the kids’ thinks would be fun to put in the backpack… we’ll see how it goes this time.
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8.  Sneak quiet times with Jacob.  Last night we got to go to Taylor’s Falls and hike around.  It was good for both of us to get away from “that room.”  The one with all the suitcases.

9.  Think about the friends and family I’m leaving.  This is really difficult.  It’s hard for me to say goodbye.  It’s hard for me to know how hard it is for them to say goodbye.  It’s just really difficult.

10.  Think about the friends I’m going to see.  I got an email this past week from a friend in Chad.  She said, “I am going to be in N’Djamena and want to get you some non-perishable items to have when you arrive like rice, oats, sugar, coffee…”  We are being cared for and the Lord has given me good friends.  I’m looking forward to seeing them also.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Hilary & Steve says:

    Hope you manage some five minutes of rest every now and again. We will be praying for you.

  2. Mary VandeWege says:

    Dear Sonja, I am praying for you! My heart hurts with you. Best thing to do is keep looking at Jesus.

  3. Unknown says:

    Praise God you know where your strength lies. I pray you and your family will know each day how deep and high and wide and long is the love of Christ. Be filled with his spirit and strengthened by his power.

  4. Renee Kuwitzky says:

    Hey! I’m praying for you guys! wanted to let you know that if you are at all interested, I’ve learned about a natural herbal malaria prophylaxis. We used it while we were in Nigeria and I’ve very pleased with it as I’ve studied it. It is offered free to missionaries, so that is a real blessing. just a tidbit in case you are ever interested!

  5. Zach Cann says:

    Cassidy and I are praying for you guys! We really hope the Lord fills your hearts with such joy and purpose that all the “losses” just make you long for heaven that much more. We love you all mucho! You can be praying for our family as well as we prepare to make a similar move away from family and the familiar next year. Pray that God would strengthen our hearts.

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