Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Groceries Around The World

I love it when you, our family and friends, take time to open a book or a web browser to read about what’s happening to others outside of America.  We have a particular smile when the subject is Chad.  Whether it’s setting aside ten minutes to read about another people’s history, culture, or politics, you are investing time well and enriching your own lives as you learn more about the peoples of the earth, whom God loves.

My brother, Joseph, emailed me today to share about something he found on the internet.  In a fascinating illustration of the truism “a picture’s worth a thousand words”, photos were collected from countries all around the world to help us see what a week’s worth of groceries looks like in many different places.  Here are a few:

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A couple commenters wrote:

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This is a really interesting photo project idea that makes you stop and compare between the countries. And yes, Chad is a tough one to view…

The photo from Chad is a bit of a reality check for sure.

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