Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Jumping From The Nest

In order to prepare themselves for flying and leaving the nest, those little baby birds need to take some practice jumps and start flapping those wings like crazy.
When was the first time you started to realize that your children were growing up? That they suddenly seemed so BIG to you? Was it the first morning they boarded the bus for school? The first time they went out with friends and you didn’t accompany them? Or maybe it was the first time they got a job?
Well, maybe it’s the first of many times this will happen, but it happened last week when I looked down the hill and saw Evangeline talking with a college student for thirty minutes. Not someone who was asking what her how old she was or what was her favorite color…but a real conversation. It gripped me so much that I ran to grab the camera. Here she was:
Do they have some ten-year prep class for this “letting go” activity? Because I probably need to start now in the hopes that I might be ready for the time when she flies out of the nest. I’m guessing a lot of you might say “you won’t be ready…just enjoy the years”.
Here’s our BIG girl taking some other goodbye pictures with friends before we left QuĂ©bec:

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