Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Bathroom Fears

These are the kinds of posts that keep you coming back :-)

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Returning to the good ol’ warabate (our outdoor bathroom) has brought with some challenges for different members of our family.  In Chad, the warabate usually features a hole in the ground with some form of walls around it (not higher than your shoulders) and is the place where you bathe and go to the bathroom.

Some of the members of our family have had trouble “hitting the hole”…ahem, KIDS!  Athanasius, in particular, has covered almost every square inch of the warabate ground, except for the hole, with his feces.  Hadassah has been reluctant to even pull the trigger because she’s nervous about the crickets (her word for the cockroaches) that infest the pit.  I took a picture of the hole last night (just click on it) so you can empathize with her at the thought of 20-30 of these little guys squirming right underneath you as you go to the bathroom:
Thankfully, Sonja found a little potty chair in the market and that seems to be helping Hadassah.
Now, if the idea of dumping water on your head in a confined space where your children have been “missing the mark” doesn’t sound enticing for a shower, add to that the fact that your shower is actually situated in front of the neighbor’s house (on one side), the public street (on the other), and the neighbor’s warabate (to the back side).  Here it is (through the trees):

You can probably appreciate why some of us have simply preferred to wash our hair over a basin, rather than “take it all off” in these conditions.  Thankfully, we were finally able to bust open the one indoor bathroom in the house, which had been locked without a key to be found.  It’s not in working condition as an actual bathroom, but it will serve well for more private “cup-dumping” showers :-)

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