Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Rickshaw Accident

While we await a vehicle for our family (I will return to the capital to pick it up in a couple weeks), we have managed to get around town as a family in the Abéché-renown rickshaws.  I think these little golf cart-type vehicles get their origins out of Asia buggies that were often pulled by a person with people sitting behind.  You can find these rickshaws in both Sudan and here in Eastern Chad (as well as other parts of the world).  This is a younger Nehemiah and Evangeline sitting in one in Sudan:

Somehow we manage to squeeze all eight family members, along with the driver, when our family need to go somewhere in town.  It was during a rickshaw ride this afternoon that we experienced our first accident in a rickshaw.

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Coming home from our Sunday gathering with friends, a donkey was crossing the road.  It seemed as though our driver and the donkey were playing “chicken” as neither seemed to want change course.  Our driver veered at the last second, but it was too late.  He drilled the donkey, which took out his front headlight.  While we hit the donkey dead on, the last gasp veer probably prevented worse damage, as the left side of our rickshaw hit up against it after the initial collision.  The donkey grazed up against Kendra’s leg, but otherwise, everyone in the rickshaw was fine.

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I couldn’t stop laughing.  Most of the people who observed the accident started yelling at the donkey, which only added to my amusement.  The driver’s rickshaw definitely got the worst of the collision as the donkey simply moved on.

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Never a dull day!

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