Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Moving In – The Rest of the First Week

Each day after Day Three of our move started looking up. Difficult, not comfortable, but looking up from 2:30pm on Day Three. The rest of the first week Jacob spent doing things like, purchasing mattresses, fixing the fans, getting the water filters up and running, and setting up the solar panels:

There actually is an indoor bathroom in our house. However the door was locked and no one could find the key to it. The first week we spent trying to get the owner of the house to find the key or do something to open up the acquire Zoloft online door. It didn’t happen in week one.

I spent week one… I can’t really remember actually what I buy prednisone online did. I tried to make sure that we ate food every now and then, drank water, went to the bathroom and took baths when the flies got too bad. Really. The neighbor kids came over for some visits. Two girls who came over alot in the past, Sadia and Hawa, came each morning and the kids and I got to read with them. That was fun.

I solved the problem of what we would eat in the evenings when Fatuma wasn’t here. Hard boiled eggs. I started to have Fatuma buy 8 eggs at the market in the morning and then put them on our fire after lunch. That way they are ready for an egg salad sandwich in the evenings. She also gets some order Prozac vegetables that we add in there. We have eaten egg salad sandwiches almost every night for the past three weeks :-) And the only person who really doesn’t like eggs is Nehemiah. I’m starting to be ready to think about some other non-stove options but for now or egg salad option keeps things simple and we all get the protein we need. Here, Evangeline holds Perpetua, while her friend Amina helps peel hibiscus leaves for a sauce we make that goes on rice:

I also failed to mention that because we weren’t able to get our vehicle yet, Jacob had to transport many of our items from the container in a rickshaw. He found a guy that he can call and he and Nehemiah go out to the container once a day to

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Hilary says:

    Well done. You are doing great. Remember in 3 months time, you will look back and laugh, even if you feel like crying at times. I hope you have a great day today.

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