Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Moving In – Week Three

Last week, Jacob spent three days get our bed put together. Long story, but it involved at least four Chadian men, a large piece of wood, and a chain saw. Having our bed set up has meant that I now have somewhere to go to have space. Up until the previous week, our mattress was sitting in the living room in the middle of everything.

The other thing that came together last week was the yard. When we arrived, there was junk everywhere, glass, tiles, and bones. Obviously it was not a super high priority compared to water, sleeping and bathroom needs but Jacob had a friend come to help us clean up the yard. This involved breaking up the old ground and leveling it, bringing in some soft sand, and then adding some bricks and white rock to construct a pathway and dry area in front of our veranda. Now, I love sitting on the veranda looking at our small little yard. Here’s a picture of it:

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Jacob also picked up chairs last week to go around our table and then, for the first time since coming to Abéche, we sat down for supper at a table (it was Egg Salad Sandwiches…ha ha).  It’s little things like that, which are helping us to feel like we are settling in.  I’ve started doing school with the kids and we’ve been able to go on some visits to neighbors’ houses.  Last night we sat with some women as they broke their fast.  I’ll have to share more about that another time.

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