Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Visiting Homes

Visiting the homes of neighbors, friends, and students is one of the best ways of experiencing life in Chad.  You learn lots about culture and language, eat all kinds of new foods, and have an opportunity to express your care and interest in their lives.

Visiting homes is is what I would call “right in Sonja’s wheelhouse”.  Throughout the week, she heads out to visit neighbors, women she meets in the market, or wives of my friends.  Sonja cherishes this interaction with Chadians.  I enjoy hearing the new words she learns on her visits.

While she loves her visiting times, it’s not easy by any means.

It’s hard enough to muster up the courage to cross cultural barriers in 100+ degree heat.  But add to that the demands of keeping a home without modern conveniences, while homeschooling and caring for five kids, and you’ll understand why my wife amazes me.

Here’s some pics from a recent house visit Sonja, Sarah, and the kids went on:

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