Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Unexpected Visitor

When I was five years old, Papa and I traveled to a campground in West Virginia.  We met my Uncle Joseph who had just graduated from Pharmacy School.  As we drove in to our camping spot the sun hurried to hide itself. 

While my uncle started to get supper ready, I raced to get my bike.  As I rode along, my wheel hit the string of our tent and pulled out the tent peg.  I called for my Papa because I didn’t know how to fix it.  He hammered the peg back into the earth.

Then we heard some footsteps which we figured were other campers, but slowly we perceived something in the distance.  Papa stopped suddenly and I inquired, “What is it?” He turned and replied, “It’s a bear!”  The bear came over the hill.  I looked at my uncle who was lofting rocks at the bear.  My Papa wanted to protect me so he told me to get into our car. 

The medium sized black bear stomped on two feet.  I think it probably smelled Uncle Joseph’s good cooking.  After searching around, the beast put its paws on our picnic table.  He sniffed around and then our unexpected visitor departed. cheap Zoloft

We ate our supper and lay down on our air mattress and fell asleep.  If I were going to give you advice about camping, I would say be ready to expect the unexpected.

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