Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Nehemiah Turns 10!

Today, our Bucko became our first double digit aged child.  Wow, where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday that Sonja was racing into the hospital with our 35 week-old baby kicking a little too early, followed closely by a black-eyed father (thanks to a broomball accident the weekend before) who spent the majority of the brief 90 minute labor searching for a name that he thought he would have another month to come up with (I also tried to pretend I knew what I was doing in comforting Sonja).

One of the unique things about Nehemiah’s life is that he has celebrated his ten birthdays in eight different cities of five distinct countries:

1 = Minneapolis, MN
2 = Minneapolis, MN
3 = Khartoum, Sudan
4 = Antalya, Turkey
5 = El Fasher, Sudan
6 = Phoenix, AZ
7 = Abéché, Chad
8 = Minneapolis, MN
9 = Sherbrooke, Canada
10 = Iriba, Chad

In typical Nehemiah fashion, he woke up this morning to announce to the family that he was now 3,650 days old.  Here’s our decade boy all bundled up today (yes, it’s actually pretty chilly here at night and in the mornings).

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Amy Oliver says:

    Happy Birthday, Nehemiah! A big hug from your MN buddies here in the Oliver home. It will have to be a cold one since we’ve had some COLD weather here lately! It’s supposed to be 50* warmer today than yesterday, and still two degrees below freezing. Can you figure out how cold it was yesterday?

  2. Erin says:

    Thinking of you all and remembering when Nehemiah was born! You were the first baby I met in MN. You continue to encourage me with your stories and example. Happy Birthday!

  3. Evan Butler says:

    Happy Birthday, Nehemiah! I miss you. You are a good friend to me. My birthday is January 11 only I only turned 9. I hope you had a good birthday. Remember when you came to my birthday party? I wish I could come to yours too!

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