Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Desert Fellowship

One thing that we wondered about when we moved to Iriba was how it would feel to be alone out in the middle of nowhere. You might have wondered the same thing yourself and prayed for us. Keep praying! There have been a few days where Satan comes to tell me that I am forgotten. But for the most part we have been encouraged and surprised by the ways that the Lord has met us during this season. Here are some of the ways I’ve been blessed:

1. I have my best friend here with me and he finds ways to keep me smiling. A couple weeks ago I was feeling like there is nothing to do here and crying because I just wanted to have fun. The next week he showed up to family worship in his swimming trunks. Our kids all ran to get their swimming suits on and yes, even I put on my swimming suit.

2. Our kids keep each other company and fill our days with hugs, laughter, questions, falling out of bunk beds, and other adventures. Jacob gets to watch Wild highlights with Nehemiah and discuss the players on the US Olympic hockey team, Evangeline makes me coffee each day and puts just the right amount of creamer in it, Athanasius wears his superman cape around and smiles, Hadassah makes up silly songs and Perpetua is just cute.

3. Our Chadian neighbors invite us into their wedding celebrations and naming parties. I find that when I step out of our yard, meander down one of the dirt roads and step into one of the neighbors’ houses, I am encouraged and spurred on to continue receiving His love so that I can pour it out.

4. Phone calls and texts from our friends here in Chad. Even though there aren’t sisters in the same town, it is a blessing to have other women working in Chad who take time to call and encourage me through simple conversation.

5. Emails and texts from friends and family. It is hard to communicate how much these mean to us. In the same way that you might find encouragement by going to church and running into someone who tells you about their week, we are encouraged and spurred on when you write to us, ask us questions and tell us about your lives.

We are not alone and are thankful for the ways He meets us and fills our cup each day.

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