Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Chicken Time

One of the things we miss here in Iriba is chicken.  In Abéché, we were able to enjoy a full chicken for about $7 when we went to the restaurant in town.  Granted, it wasn’t Chic-Fil-A, and the chickens here are a bit on the emaciated side, but still…it was good!

There are no such restaurants here in Iriba, so last week, after not having any chicken for the past few months, Sonja decided to buy a chicken in the market.  A nice, plump chicken cost $12.  Only that chicken was alive, not dead.  Our neighbors had been telling us they would help prepare the chicken so Sonja and the kids went and joined some other women in a chicken prep party.  Hawa held up our chicken for all to see:

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That was enough observation.  It was time to get started.  It’s a man’s job to slaughter the animal…uh, not this man, that would be Mustapha :-)


Then, Mustapha handed the then deceased chicken to Hajji, who took on the responsibility of plucking and skinning the fowl (for my money, easily the most difficult job of the process):

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Apparently, Athanasius and Hadassah also had a job.  It was called, “play with the severed feet and head of the chicken”.  All present thought this job looked like the most fun:


Once the chicken was plucked and skinned, the ladies stuffed with a few assorted veggies and seasoning, put it in a pot, and placed the various pots on rocks over a fire.  At the end of the evening, everyone parted ways and our family enjoyed some mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy with our delicious chicken…hmm:

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mary Hovey says:

    Hi everybody!

    The preparation of your chicken for dinner gives new meaning to the expressions “locally grown”, “fresh”, or the “free range chicken” available at Speedy Market here in the States – not to mention FDA requirements – comments from the deeelicious :-)

    hugs and love – grandma hovey

  2. Beth Hamilton says:

    Dustin and I produced our first local (very local, aka from the back yard) chicken a few weeks ago :)

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