Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Learning Local Languages

A few weeks ago, Sonja had the opportunity to take a order Prozac two-week course on the ins and outs of the language spoken by most people in our town. Even though our French and Arabic helps us to converse with most people in the market, as well as local officials, many of the smaller communities in Chad, such as Iriba, are comprised of one group of people who all speak the same language. Did you realize that the country of Chad has more than 100 different people groups, each with their own distinct culture and language?

There is an organization here called SIL, which helps people to better understand and develop their language beyond just an oral language to one that is also written and read. They offer these “Discover Your Language” courses repeatedly throughout the year and encourage locals to work together acquire Zoloft online with interested foreigners to collaborate on developing the language.

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4-5 different languages represented in Sonja’s class and she came back having learned a lot about the local language in Iriba, as well as growing a deeper appreciation for the work of a linguist. Here’s a couple pictures of Sonja and others from her class:


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