Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Digging Holes

Digging holes is a very popular pastime in Chad and a necessary skill one must acquire. When we first arrived at this house in the beginning of the year, there were no less than three small circular holed that measured about a foot in diameter and were 2-3 feet deep. Judging by the numerous plastic bottles and cans that were in them, it seems they were serving as waste dispensers.

A much larger hole to dig is the one intended for a pit toilet. We are slowly, but surely, working at putting in drains from our indoor bathrooms, which will remove all our gray water and allow us to use bathroom inside our house.  Athanathius even took to helping out our hole digger who promised him a wage of 5 pounds for his work (about $.50).

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