Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Meet the Midwives

Nothing like being honored with a post after the fact, but while we introduced many of you to our midwives and the neat story about how the LORD brought them to us, we haven’t actually let you see them.


Melissa and Laura hail from the States and Canada respectively, but did their midwifery training together at the same school in the Philippines.  This is the same school where Hadassah’s midwife had her training (NOTE TO SELF…we should probably support this school).  Melissa and Laura are actually interested in working long term in places like Chad, so their trip sort of doubled as a delivery/vision trip of sorts.

Both Melissa and Laura were extremely flexible and had servant hearts.  They dived into visiting people here and attended a funeral of a friend’s neighbor.  They took time to learn some words here and there and were eager to understand more about the culture.  They even blessed the people by sharing medical insights with people in different locations throughout their trip.  It was obvious they love kids and our kids loved them.  They played cards togethers, read together, and shared jokes they knew.  Our kids still talk about the time they spent with Melissa and Laura and hope to see them again in the future.  It’s amazing to us how the LORD not only provided a safe delivery again, but awesome people to share it with and get to know in the process.  Here are a few other pictures from Melissa and Laura’s time with us.








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