Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Innovation, Nesting, or Insanity?

I meant to post this a while ago and just ran across the picture to remind me. Now, they say Chadians are resourceful, finding ways to use everyday things to complete a task or repair something. So, take a look at this picture, which shows Sonja using an orange peel to dust off a piece of furniture a week before Sahara’s birth and tell me if you think this is evidence of 1) that Chadian innovation, 2) an increasing nesting instinct, or 3) Sonja losing her mind?


This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Wendy says:

    See–you think it’s crazy, but women know that citrus leaves things shiny and smelling clean! It’s even a marketing strategy–(i.e. Pure Citrus; Citrashine; Citrasolv; Pledge Now with Citrus!) Soak those orange peels in a little vinegar and you’ve got a great product on your hands! So, in regards to your question–I think it’s about being smart and frugal! :)

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