Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Cats Were Away

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You know the old saying, “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.”

This past weekend, while Sonja and I were off gallivanting through Ontario, Canada, the kids were taken care of first by a family friend and then by my uncle and aunt.  My aunt, only having two kids of her own, seemed a little nervous about the assignment of six kids.  I assured that there’s no way she could do worse than what the kids had with me while Sonja was away :-)

When we returned, the kids were full of stories about their trip to the YMCA, games with Miss Sarah, and a couple movies they enjoyed.  I even heard that an unplanned outing to Wendy’s produced a “2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate? Uncle Mark and Auntie Cheryl” from an excited van.  If this video is any indication, it seems like the mice were having a lot of fun this weekend.

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Here’s a picture of the kids with my uncle and aunt from a few months ago:


Thanks again Sarah, Mark, and Cheryl!online viagra cialis levitra

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bruce and Mary Cann says:

    What a joy it is to meet you all often at God’s Throne of Grace! Thank you for experiencing the death of Jesus daily so that His life is made all the more real in and through you!

  2. Jacob says:

    Hey Bruce and Mary…just emailed Zach and Cass the other day. It’s exciting days for them and the Dodds. Thanks for the encouraging note.

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