Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Sudanese House Guests

While our friend Attayib recovered from Inguinal Hernia Surgery, his wife Amuuna and their two youngest kids Ahmed and Nasma stayed with us in Iriba for a month.  To accommodate them, Arabic became pretty much the only language spoken in our house.  Meals were made, chores were organized, playing times occurred, and devotions were read and discussed in Arabic.  Here, Nasma grinds coffee beans with Evangeline (even Sahara wanted to learn):

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Perpetua spent almost all of her time with 3-year old buddy Ahmed.  The two of them were pretty cute.  The funniest thing was Perpetua actualy started to speak Arabic, which mostly consisted of these phrases, “shufi” (look at me) and “ma tiseyi da” (don’t do that).  Here the two are together:


Nasma also enjoyed playing with the girls and even got to practice writing the alphabet with Perpetua:

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Amuuna taught Sonja and Evangeline how to make some nice Sudanese dishes for meals as well:

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It’s never easy to have others living in your home, but it was a sweet time for us to bless their family during a hard season and get to know them better.


This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Veronica says:

    Praise God for the abundant blessings He brought out of these hard times! By your love for one another the world will know that Jesus is the Son of God, sent by our Father who loves us deeply!

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