Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Double Decker Sheep Transport

You can leave Chad, but Chad never leaves you.  This is true in a literal sense as Sahara and I are currently being treated for amoebas, while Perpetua just moved past giardiasis, but it’s also true figuratively.  Our friends and neighbors are never far from our minds even though there’s a lot of distance between us.  So you’ll still see us toss up some posts and pictures of them to honor the place this land and people holds in our hearts.

While driving cross-country earlier this summer, I pulled into a gas station.  By all appearances, it looks like a normal day at the station:


But what is that filling up at the pump…let’s take a closer look:


Oh, of course, it’s just your regular old double-decker, sheep transport truck composed by taking a regular trailer and running wooden logs across the top beams and tying them down for more sheep to stand on.  Then spare wood and rope is used to create a playpen of sorts for the sheep on the second level.


This vehicle would be banned on any American highway, but in Chad it works.  In fact, people will praise the ingenuity that allowed for another 30-40 sheep to be transported for sale.  Nice work Chad!

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Karen Doerr says:

    Hi Jacob and Sonja — not sure if you saw my email or not… I’m in the Minneapolis area this week and was wondering about possibly stopping by and saying hi and giving you guys a hug. Not sure how close you are, but wish I could see you as I’m in the area. Or will you be at Bethlehem Baptist on Sunday? I’m hoping to attend one of the Sunday services… maybe we could connect briefly then…. Anyway, not sure how else to contact you and hoping you’ll see this. and 253-258-7239 Thanks, Karen Doerr

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