Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Athanasius Turns 8!

Friday was Athanasius’ birthday.  We remembered when Athanasius was born eight years ago in Roseau, MN (Roseau is where I grew up in the northern part of MN near the Canadian border). We named him Athanasius after St. Athanasius of Alexandria, an African bishop in the early church who poured out his life in writing about, speaking on, and defending the diety of Christ.  Our Athanasius, or as we like to affectionately call him, “Scooter”, loves building things.  This past summer, he was using spare boards, rocks, rebar, and other items to construct a home in the dried-out creek bed in our yard in Iriba.



Scooter also has a strange fascination with bugs and all kinds of creepy, crawly creatures that don’t seem to disturb him in the least.  He is always catching chameleons, geckos, frogs, and camel spiders in order to show Hadassah all the neat tricks he can do with them.  He appreciates visits from Chadians (who think he’s a riot) and loves getting rides on motorcycles from them.



After a full week of transition and heavy conversations, we went out and celebrated Athanasius’ birthday together at Chuck E. Cheese.  It was a really enjoyable time.  We love you Scooter!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Solveig says:

    Happy 8th Birthday, Athanasius! I’m not sure if you remember visiting our home 2-3 years ago, but our kids sure had fun playing in the yard with you and your sisters! We’re reading a book right now with an “Athanasius” in it and thought of you. Enjoy your 8th year!

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