Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Something Detected, But Still Waiting

Another biophysical profile test, another perfect score for our little girl.  If it weren’t for her growth restriction and major organ defects, it would appear she’s doing just fine in the womb.  We had hoped we would have answers by the end of this week when they said the full chromosomal analysis would be finished, but yesterday we got a call and the genetic counselor informed us that the labs had detected something.  They will need another week to confirm this finding.  I asked the genetic counselor what they detected, but she said that she was not given that information by the lab.

Our minds tend to go to the worst place…I mean surely they would tell us if it’s good news, right?

This might be a good time to share how grateful we are to the LORD for all the medical staff at Abbott Northwestern and United hospitals.  They have been so sensitive and caring while talking through all these weighty matters with us.  I would imagine that it’s extremely challenging to connect with each family and child facing such difficult outcomes in a way that is meaningful and sincere and yet we’ve experienced nothing but love, concern, and respect from them in our situation.  Thanks LORD for giving us caring, trained professionals to walk with us through this birth.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rachel Stone says:

    So happy to hear this news. I’ve been checking your blog daily but for some reason haven’t gotten the updates until this morning! We continue to pray for your baby girl and family as you await the latest news and her arrival. Thanking God that you are having a good experience at Abbott, they have top notch staff to be certain. And thanking Him for the answered prayers this far and holding you in His strong hands! An aside: my dad’s whole family is from Roseau area… the Skime’s. Spent many summers in Wannaska with my Gram and Grampa (Arnold and Helen). Small world. Lifting you up from Anchorage. Rachel Stone

  2. Naomi says:

    What a blessing that your caregivers are supportive! It was the opposite for us as they asked and pressured us to terminate at each appointment. This is why I didn’t get the amnio done as I didn’t trust that they wouldn’t hurt my baby. Praise God for caregivers who value each life no matter what! xx

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