Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Gospel Changes Everything

Despite centuries of hardness and a veiled blindness to the glory of God amongst his people, the apostle Paul wrote, “We do not lose heart” (1 Corinthians 4:1).  Now I have found myself at times in my life losing heart after a rejection or two from a friend or the weekly disobedience of a child, so how in the world does Paul find encouragement in the midst of utter and persistent rejection of God?  He says it in the same verse.  It was because of the ministry he had been given by God’s mercy.

The Gospel changed everything for Paul.  Instead of focusing on the hardness of the people he was called to, he could behold the glory of God in the person of Christ, knowing that God could call light out of the darkness of their hearts just as He did for Paul himself.

Do you believe that for the hardest among your family and friends?  Do you believe it for yourself?

It’s advent season and so in the midst of normal worship, country, and even rap music playing throughout the Broten house, we are enjoying lots of Christmas music.  Here’s a new song by one of Sonja’s favorites, Meredith Andrews, touching on that very subject of the ministry of the Gospel.  Enjoy!

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Marcie Smith says:

    I loved this song. I had to listen to it 4 times and was touched each time. Thanks for sharing it. May you enjoy this winter season in a place far from the cold of Minnesota

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