Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Visiting ACT Churches

We partner with a denomination here in Chad called the Assemblée Chrétienne au Tchad or ACT for short.  They have churches all over Chad, including a few in our area.  The past few days, my friend Justin and I joined national leaders from their denomination as they visited established churches and individual parishioners in these outlying areas.  We were the drivers as they carried out their business.

Here’s some of the group we set out with:


We took 3-4 hours at each place to listen, counsel, and pray together.


There weren’t any Hiltons in the area so we appreciated the cement floors we were given to sleep on:


All in all, it was helpful to hear the challenges these churches face and encourage them in their work.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Marcie Smith says:

    May you bring a new vision of reaching out to those around them. May their eyes be opened to the needs around them. Thank you for reaching out and encouraging them in their situations.

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