Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Athanasius’ Shoveling Business

Athanasius is not only our handyman around the house, but he’s also our dreaming entrepreneur. He’s always talking about things he might invent or businesses he could create to make a living. Well, last year he observed someone shoveling the driveway of one of our elderly neighbors and asked if people do that for business. I told him that sometimes we do work for business and other times we do it for charity.

Fast forward to earlier this month, I was as proud as you can imagine when I saw Athanasius out shoveling the driveway of that same elderly neighbor. Afterward, he told us the work wasn’t too difficult and asked us if we thought this might be a service he could provide for some people in our neighborhood. We told him there’s no harm in trying. So, he printed up flyers with information and distributed them to about 20 nieghbors.

Initially, only one neighbor responded, but as the snowfalls have continued this month, he has added more and now has 6-7 customers in the neighborhood and has earned more than $30o in December. Keep up the great work Scooter!






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