Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Book Review: The Rescue of Jessica’s Mother On London Bridge

The Rescue of Jessica’s Mother On London Bridge” (1867) by Hesba Stretton is the sequel to her original “Jessica’s First Prayer“, which we read and I reviewed in November.

The kids were excited to read this book as the title hinted of something dramatic happening with Jessica’s mother.  When we left off from the first book, Jessica’s mother had abandoned her, absorbed into a life of chemical dependancy, so it was hard to imagine how her mother would re-enter her life.

As the book begins, we find Daniel, the chapel keeper, has become Jessica’s caretaker.  She has enriched his life and the LORD has used her to draw the old man closer to God.  One day, Jessica notices from the large display Bible in the church a picture of a man holding a knife above a bound child.  She wonders if it is Satan, but as Daniel tells her the story of Abraham, she is amazed to learn about sacrifice and be reminded of what God did in sending His Son for sinners.  She tells Daniel that she would be happy to be a sacrifice for him, but the comment frightens Daniel, as he has long feared the prospect of ever losing Jessica, his pride and joy.
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When Jessica’s mother turns up in tattered rags at his home one day, demanding the return of her daughter, Daniel must decide what it means to sacrifice and love God, Jessica, and even her mother.

How does Jessica respond to her mother’s return?  Will Daniel lose custody of Jessica?  Where is God in this situation? purchase Zoloft buy prednisone online

You’ll have to read to find the answers :)

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Mia Joy says:

    Thanks for your book reviews Jacob! I bought Jessica’s prayer for the kids at Christmas time and had some wonderful cuddles and conversations because of it. They’ll be excited to read this one now too. Keep sharing the literary treasures you’ve discovered. I appreciate it.
    – Mia

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