Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Internet In Chad

The idea for this post came from the fact that we haven’t any access to the internet for the past few days.  I’m guessing a cell tower crashed from the wind gusts this past week, as the service was finally restored tonight.

Some of you may wonder how we email and access the internet here in Chad?

Well, a couple months ago we purchased a little USB Modem, which has a SIM card in it for $40.  We simply plug it into our USB port and it will create a dial-up connection to the internet.  With rates between 1 and 10 kilobytes per second, our connection doesn’t set any speed records.  To give you an idea of that rate, when I post a picture on the blog, it will take between 10-30 minutes for the picture to upload to the site. Still, we’re thankful for the opportunity to email and read current events.
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So, what does a person pay for this slow, but helpful utility?

It can vary slightly, but it’s about $100 a month.

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