Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Book Review: The Spartan

History is Nehemiah’s favorite subject he reported to us last week, but whether he likes it or not, it’s an important subject to teach.  As the saying goes, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.  But how do you teach about things that are so distant and foreign to one’s own experience?  Laura Berquist writes in an introduction for a book Nehemiah is reading right now:

The key to making history memorable and exciting to young people is to make it real for them.  Bringing the historical period and its significant people and events to life, turns what would otherwise be a dull rote lesson into living information about real people and happenings which everyone loves.  Those who truly enjoy history talk about it as if the events they were discussing were happening now, as though the important people involved in history were their neighbors.

Generic prednisone In that spirit, I highly recommend ” cheap Zoloft The Spartan” by Carol Dale Snedeker.  Nehemiah was raving about it all last week, as our home sounded like it was stationed in Ancient Greece.  “The Spartan” is the true story of Aristodemus, a Spartan warrior, who was one of only two survivors left from the famed 300, who took their last stand at the Battle of Thermopalyae.  Due to the high value of valor in Spartan culture, Aristodemus is labeled a coward for not dying in battle with his fellow soldiers and spends his entire life trying to redeem this black mark.

The actual life of Aristodemus and many of the key events in this story are preserved for us by the Greek historian Herodotus.  Snedeker’s research and attention to historical and cultural details really make this book a boon for studying Ancient Greece, along with being an intriguing story in itself. purchase Prozac

Nehemiah told me if he wrote a book review, it would say: You should read this book!tadapox controindicazioni

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