Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be in Egypt when the plagues were coming through?  What would all those frogs, locusts, and water turning to blood have looked like?

Again……advantage Chad :)

It has only happened twice, but it is an amazing thing when streams of locusts (or as we call them, grasshoppers) go flying overhead.  And these aren’t just the tiny ones you might see in MN, but BIG guys (like the length of my longest finger).  I’m not sure if they only travel at night, but both times we have observed it, it has occurred right around nightfall.  They travel in massive numbers.  I am terrible at estimating these kinds of things, but hundreds of thousands feels like a low end estimate to me.  As they have passed overhead, a few of them dropped down into the yard to munch (anywhere from 50-100, depending on how much foliage you have).

Our kids love playing with the locusts.  Chadians actually pull out the innards and cook the locusts to eat.  Here are our daughters posing with one of the locusts on Hadassah’s dress:

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