Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Swimming Lessons

Last month, the kids enjoyed three weeks of swimming lessons in a nearby town.  You might be wondering, why do people in a desert need to learn how to swim?  Good point.  I think we did it more so they could have some fun with their cousins who were also in the classes, although I guess it’s also valuable for them to learn some skills like these while we’re here.

The kids all passed onto the next level (even though they’re not attending it) and had a lot of fun in the process.  Here’s Evangeline with her cousin Josephine, who doubles as a ballerina in the water:

Up one level were the crazy boys, Rory, Nehemiah, and Abram:

And here they all are after one of their lessons:
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