Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Sports For Kids

Sonja was a figure skater and played softball growing up.  I enjoyed baseball, hockey, tennis, cross country, and track.  We both enjoyed athletic endeavors and found benefit from them, so it was a blessing to give Nehemiah an opportunity to play soccer (while we were in Minneapolis) and baseball (while we were in Roseau).

A few weeks ago, Nehemiah finished up his final ball game.  The summer ball went much better than three years ago.  Even though Nehemiah was only five at that time, he was just as intense and passionate about the sport.  Yet, three-quarters of his teammates were not that interested.  The evidence behind this fact was the majority of activities taking place out in the field by these youngsters were:

A) talking with other kids
B) chasing butterflies around the outfield
C) drawing in the sand with their fingers
D) picking dandelions to present to their mothers

Super cute stuff, but it made me wonder if we sometimes start our kids too early in sports.  Having said that, it appears that we have a couple youngsters all ready to give Joe Mauer a run for his money:

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Athanasius works on his swing while Hadassah lobbies the coach for some playing time.

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Or maybe they just like digging into things and pretending :-)

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