Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Ballon Balai

That’s what broomball is called here in French in Québec.  Something that I’ve found helpful in learning languages is to connect with people in a variety of contexts that expose you to their language.  Broomball has given me the opportunity to do that here.

Through some friends that I have in Montréal, I was connected to the only broomball league in Sherbrooke back in October.  Since then, I have spent one night a week running around the ice and speaking in the locker room with a group of 10-12 men who started out as personal French tutors and have become friends.
This past week, we concluded our season together, making it all the way to the championship and a 2nd place finish.  Here are a couple pics:

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