Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Language Partners

Parole de Vie Bethel is not primarily a language school, but a Bible School.  Throughout the past eight months, the campus has been filled with 30-40 young men and women who are receiving a year of training in the Bible.  This includes not only formal classroom study, papers, and exams, but practical service opportunities running camps, visiting churches, and sharing their lives with people.

Since we all live on the same campus, one extremely beneficial program that the two schools have arranged is for the Bible students to meet one hour each week with the language students for the purpose of speaking in French.
Twice a week, Étienne would come over to read a passage from the Bible with me, followed by a brief devotional, all in French.  Sonja’s language partner, Jessica, would come over to do something similar with her.  For example, we might read this:

Lorsque Judas fut sorti, Jésus dit: Maintenant, le Fils de l’homme a été glorifié, et Dieu a été glorifié en lui.  Si Dieu a été glorifié en lui, Dieu aussi le glorifiera en lui-même, et il le glorifiera bientôt. 

Mes petits enfants, je suis pour peu de temps encore avec vous. Vous me chercherez; et, comme j’ai dit aux Juifs: Vous ne pouvez venir où je vais, je vous le dis aussi maintenant.  Je vous donne un commandement nouveau: Aimez-vous les uns les autres; comme je vous ai aimés, vous aussi, aimez-vous les uns les autres.  A ceci tous connaîtront que vous êtes mes disciples, si vous avez de l’amour les uns pour les autres.

Étienne and Jessica would help us to understand particular vocabulary that were new, what parts of speech these words were (noun, verb, etc), and the overall meanings of phrases or expressions in French.  They were each super helpful to us as we met with them throughout the year.

Here we are with each of our language partners, Étienne and Jessica, on the day we said goodbye last week:

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